Kalayana sundaram
आमतौर पर हमारे काम करने के बाद भी हमें वाहवाही न मिले तो हम निरुत्साही हो जाते हैं. अगर आप भी ऐसा सोचते हैं तो Kalayana sundaram जी से मिलिए.
30 साल यह Librarian रहे और जितनी हर माह तन्खाह मिलती वो सारी राशि गरीबो मे खर्च कर देते. जी हां आपने सही पढा. जितनी राशि मिलती उसे गरीबों में बांट देते. अपनी सैलरी का एक रुपया भी खुद पर खर्च नही किया यहां तक की पैंशन के दस लाख रुपए भी सेवा मे लगा दिए.
अपनी सारी राशि दूसरो पर लगाने के नेक कार्य करने का Kalayana sundaram जी को आज यह फल मिला कि संयुक्त राष्ट्र संघ ने इन्हे 20वी सदी का Man of the Millennium’ अवार्ड से सम्मानित किया .
ये सब पढने के बाद आपके मन में भी एक प्रश्न आ रहा होगा जो मेरे मन में भी था कि अपनी गुजर बसर कैसे करते थे? जब इनसे पूछा गया कि वो अपना खर्चा कैसे चलाते थे तो Kalayana sundaram जी ने बताया कि होटल मे सेवक के रुप मे काम करके अपनी आवश्यकताए पूरी की. आज य़ू एन ओ से उन्हे 30 करोड मिले हैं और आदतनुसार वो भी यह उन्ही पर खर्च कर रहे हैं. ह्मे गर्व है कि ऐसे नेक व्यक्ति हमारे देश के ही हैं .
73-year-old Tamil Nadu librarian donated Rs 30 crore to the uneducated poor
A will to serve humanity has been 73-year-old Kalyanasundaram’s guiding principle throughout his life. A gold medalist in library science, he also holds a masters degree in literature and history. During his 35-year-long career at Kumarkurupara Arts College at Srivaikuntam, he diligently and willingly donated his salary month after month towards charity and did odd jobs to meet his daily needs. Even after retirement, he worked as a waiter in a hotel in exchange for two meals a day and a meagre salary so that he could continue to donate to orphanages and to children’s educational funds.
He was amply rewarded for his service to humanity. The Union government acclaimed him as the best librarian in India. The International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, has honoured him as one of the ‘noblest of the world’ and the United Nations adjudged him as one of the most outstanding people of the 20th century. He also received Man of the Millenium award and Life Time of Service Award from Rotary Club of India in 2011.
“People think that I started doing charity when I was young by donating clothes and helping people study, and they attribute it to a public cause, but I insist it was for a private one. The place where I lived was a tiny village with no provision for roads, buses, schools, electricity, and there was not even a shop to buy a matchbox from. I had to walk 10km to school and back and walking all that way alone can be a pretty lonesome experience. Hence, I had this thought that if I could motivate most of the children to come with me to school, it would be great fun as well.” Read more…
Kalyanasundaram a man of ‘generosity’
He is the first person in the world to spend the entire earnings for a social cause. He received a sum of Rs 30 crores by USA government as part of this award which he distributed entirely for the needy as usual.
We heard about Harshwardhana, Mahabali and Harischandra. These characters lie in history books and rarely we find such examples in today’s self-oriented life. But in South India, a simple looking man named Kalyanasundaram rejuvenated the history and made a great example of honorary works.USA recently awarded Kalyanasundaram as ‘Man of the Millennium’. Kalyanasundaram had been working as a librarian for 30 years. Every month in his 30-year-long service, he donated his entire salary to help the needy. He worked as a server in a hotel to meet his needs. He donated even his pension amount of about ten lakh rupees to the needy. He is the first person in the world to spend the entire earnings for a social cause. He received a sum of Rs 30 crores by USA government as part of this award which he distributed entirely for the needy as usual. Moved by his passion to help others, Super Star Rajnikanth adopted him as his father. He still stays as a bachelor and dedicated his entire life for serving the society. This is Painful to see this unsung hero is continue to serve the Nation silently but his deeds are not recognised by Indian Authorities or Media. Latest News from India News Desk Kalyanasundaram a man of ‘generosity’
मैने भी यह सीखा कि भले ही नेक कार्य करने पर शाबाशी ना मिले फिर भी सच्चे दिल से जुटे रहना चाहिए.
सैल्यूट है Kalayana sundaram जी !!! आप एक मिसाल हैं… ढेरों शुभकामनाए!!!
Image via dnaindia.com