Social Media Addiction… अजी बस पूछिए ही मत … इतना बुरा हाल है कि बस …. बच्चे हो या युवा या फिर बडे लोग हर समय जुडे रहना चाह्ते हैं एक मिनट भी इससे दूर नही रह सकते. पहले स्टेटस डालेगें फिर उसे भी बार बार देखेंगें को कितने लाईक आए या नही … अगर आए तो इस बात को नार्मली ही लेते हैं और ना आए तो अपना ब्लड प्रैशर बढा लेते हैं ..और गुस्सा हो जाते हैं कि कोई लाईक क्यो नही आया.. या फलां नेट पर तो था फिर भी सने मेरे स्टेट्स को लाईक क्यों नही किया
अब इन साहब को ही देख लीजिए … import export का business करते हैं किस तरह से वो भी आपने सुन लिया होगा. एक महिला ने तो अपनी बिटिया का रिश्ता एक व्यक्ति से इसलिए फिक्स कर दिया कि उसके 10 एकड मे फार्म हाऊस है और ढेर सारे पशु भी है… शुक्र है शादी से पहले ही पता चल गया कि कौन सा फार्म हाऊस था ….
वैसे इतना दीवानापन भी अच्छी बात नही है
The signs and symptoms of social media addiction : Get Healthy
As fun as social media is for keeping up with friends, getting news updates and posting the occasional witty meme, for some people it can be destructive.
Dr. Johann Farley, an addiction medicine physician in Merrillville, is seeing more and more families who are struggling with relational issues as a result of social media addiction or dependency.
According to Farley, who is quick to state that he does use and appreciate his smartphone and the many tools that come with it, the biggest problem with social media is the time it takes away from meaningful relationships.
What may seem like an everyday, menial activity — checking your smartphone — could have a subtle impact on relationships over time, Farley says. He sets up this scenario: “Say you’re married and you and your spouse are sitting on the couch at the end of the day. Instead of getting affectionate with each other and talking about your day, you’re both doing your own thing on your phones. You go to bed without any interaction. From there on, you gradually start to move apart.”
The lack of face-to-face interaction is harmful, yes, but can we really throw around the word addiction?
Farley says yes, even going so far as to compare it to substance abuse addiction. “Do you need that eye-opener every morning? Do you feel like you need (to check social media) to calm your nerves? Can you put your cellphone away on your day off and spend time with the family? If the answer is no, there’s a problem.”
Jamie Monday, a counselor at Crown Point High School, agrees that one can be overly reliant on social media. “Dependency on anything is unhealthy when we are not able to function in our normal lives without it,” she says. “It is a good sign that you are dependent on something if you have tried to cut back your usage but have been unsuccessful.”
Monday says she sees this often among adolescents, particularly when their parents take away their mobile devices as a form of punishment. “If the teen is dependent on social media as their way of communicating with their peers, they will have a meltdown and sometimes even experience depression-like symptoms,” she says. See more…