Toothpaste … ये टीवी विज्ञापन वाले भी ना दिमाग खराब कर के रख देते है…कभी टूथपेस्ट में नमक कभी काली मिर्च कभी भुना जीरा … क्या करें इनका !!!
How to use toothpaste to clean trainers reduce bags under eyes and buff your nails
It may be designed to clean teeth but did you know that a simple tube of toothpaste can be used in countless unconventional ways?
It’s long been hailed for its ability to clear up pesky zits but a cheap tube of the paste can be used to clean trainers, reduce bags under tired eyes and even give nails a high shine finish.
It’s long been hailed for its ability to clean teeth and clear up pesky zits but a cheap tube of the paste can be used do so much more than that. FEMAIL rounds up the unconventional ways you can use it See more…